Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Engineering School: Cédric Adjih, “Microcontrollers: from embedded systems to the Internet of Things”, 3 hours TD, Telecom SudParis.

  • Masters

    • Emmanuel Baccelli, “Telematics”, M1 Advanced Computer Networks, at Freie Universitaet Berlin; 15 semaines, 50 étudiants.

  • E-learning

    • Master: Laurent Massoulié, “epidemic algorithms”, M2 ACN (Advanced Communication Networks) entre Ecole Polytechnique et Institut Telecom; 11 semaines, 4 étudiants. “Graphes aléatoires”, M2 Probabilités et Statistiques, 4 semaines, UPMC, 10 étudiants.


Aline Carneiro Viana:

  • PhD: Thiago Henrique Silva, ”Large scale study of city dynamics and urban social behavior using participatory sensor networks”, Federal University of Minas Gerais, May 2014.

  • PhD in progress: Eduardo Mucelli, ”Revealing new facets of humain behavior”, November 2011, Aline Carneiro Viana. Felipe Domingos, ”Identifying Social Attributes in VANETs”, January 2013, Aline Carneiro Viana. Roni Shigueta, ”Resource allocation in highly mobile wireless networks”, January 2012, Aline Carneiro Viana. Guangshuo Chen, ”Understanding and predicting human demanded content and mobility”, September 2014, Aline Carneiro Viana.

  • Post-doc in progress: K. P. Naveen on content caching and content-centric networking.

Cédric Adjih:

  • PhD in progress: Fatma Somaa, on handling mobility in routing in wireless sensor networks, thesis started in 2013 and co-advised with Inès El Korbi (Institut Supérieur d'Informatique et de Gestion de Kairouan, Tunisie).

Emmanuel Baccelli:

  • PhD in progress: Oliver Hahm on the optimization of energy-efficient communication protocols for the Internet of Things, Hauke Petersen on the resilience of emergency spontaneous wireless networks.

  • Post-doc in progress: K. P. Naveen on content caching and content-centric networking.

  • Masters thesis in the domain of IoT, during 2014: 1 completed, 3 on-going.

  • Bachelor thesis in the domain of IoT, during 2014: 2 completed.


Aline Carneiro Viana:

  • Examiner:Oana Iova, "Algorithms and Protocols for all-IP Wireless Sensor Networks in the Internet of Things", Université de Strasbourg, France. December 2014. Tiphaine Phe-Neau, “Properties and impact of vicinity in mobile opportunistic networks ”, UPMC – Sorbonne Universités, France. January 2014.

  • Invited:Thiago Henrique Silva "Large scale study of city dynamics and urban social behavior using participatory sensor networks" at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, May 2014.

  • PhD Qualification advisor:Felipe Domingos, ”Identifying Social Attributes in VANETs”, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, August 29, 2014. Roni Shigueta, ”Reseource allocation in mobile networks”, at the Pontifical University of Paraná (PUC-PR), Brazil, November 26, 2014.